Snee Farm Community Foundation
Information regarding activities that affect our neighborhood or of interest to the residents are communicated via the entrance sign boards, email blasts or this website.
Sign Boards
We are limited space for messages, so these tend to be abbreviated reminders. Move information is typically available via an email blast or on this website.
Email Blasts
Email blasts are sent out to elaborate sign board messages and to communicate relevant information to the neighborhood. Topics can include:
Projects within or affect our neighborhood
Compliance Issues
Local school or government courtesy notices.
Activities at the Snee Farm Country Club
If you would like to subscribe to the email blast. please e-mail Heidi Hildreth with your:
Full Name
Preferred e-mail address
Snee Farm Address
The website has been designed to be a resource for residents providing information regarding:
Our neighborhood standards/processes set forth in the amended declaration and restrictions document,
The board of directors and foundation meetings
The efforts of the various committees
Annual Assessments
For new or non-residents, we have information geared at getting to know our neighborhood better
Nicole Buggie- Chair
Mario Rasgo